Monday, November 03, 2008

World Domination

Ben Franklin, the $100 dollar bill guy, wanted the Turkey as the National bird of the USA instead of the Eagle. Turkeys can drown in an average rain storm. Ben Franklin is the only figure on US currency who was not a US President, yet he had a huge impact on the country and the world. He was a forward thinker. One thing Ben continually did was keep pressing on; Creating, evolving, sharing. In the face of hundreds of failures and nay-sayers, he kept on creating, communicating and leaving a legacy unparalleled by others since. As the US begins its upcoming shifts, remember to keep fighting your fight, regardless of who you wanted to be President in this election. This is still a great country. There is a wake of destruction behind, and many years of destruction to come before we unscrew what has been done. All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again. Learn from history and take your own actions. Surround yourself with supportive team players and dominate your own world. I'll play on your team if you ask. Pat Townsley, Mortgage Broker, fighting for you. 415-485-1776.

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