Thursday, May 07, 2009

A Gift for You: Quote Actions from Pat Townsley

Greetings friends and visitors. I'd like to offer you a gift that has been, inspirational, to say the least, in my life. It's a moment that gives me pause to reflect when all hell is breaking lose around me or, for some reason, I forget the food is burning, the kids have been left alone for a week, the house is on fire or I left the engine running and it's run out of gas and has also burst into flames: Quote Actions.

QuoteActions does more than some lame-o motivational quote. It takes a great quote and asks you to take a simple yet specific Action to make your day, your life, somebody else's life Better. My Gift to YOU, your gift to you. It's an opt-in and easy opt-out. Give yourself a gift! Click Here: QuoteActions!
Pass it on. Thanks. Pat Townsley. Inspired

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