Saturday, December 27, 2008

Your 2009 Goal Setting Workshop

Make Goal Setting an ongoing process. Don't fall into the "New Year's Syndrome" and think out a couple of goals and then not look back at them until December 31st of the next year and say "oops, oh shoot." Any plan is better than no plan. A few quick reminders on Goal Setting:
  1. Focus: Get into a space where you aren't interrupted.
  2. Write them down: Writing gives you a road map to work on
  3. Clarity: The more specific, the more achievable.
  4. Present tense: Write them now, and "as if" they were achievable Now
  5. Time based: Give them a reasonable timeline, but set a "do by" date
  6. Personal: Write them in first person, as in "I will..." or "I am..."

Have personal, family, work, material wants and financial goals. Let your Goal Workshop flow. Put on some inspiring music, think of what you want, and put it on paper. You can edit and clean it up later. With your new goals defined, review them in every morning and every night before you go to bed. The conscious and superconsious minds work 24/7. Share some of your goals with friends who will hold you accountable to their achievement. Nothing like Pressure to keep you on track. You might not be honest with yourself, but you'll keep a commitment to a friend. As they say: No Pressure, No Diamonds. On the other hand, Biggie once said "Mo Money, Mo Problems." I'll help you with both. Pat Townsley. 415-485-1776

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