Sunday, February 01, 2009

Groundhog Day and Real Estate Financing

If Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter, are you going to continue to F-off and not pull the trigger on the best 30-year fixed rates we've seen in three generations? If he comes out and Spring is upon us, we're equally screwed, because we'll have NO WATER coming our way...which will be a slower death through higher water costs, conservation, and a diversion of the American mindset away from the fundamentals of fiscal reform to either We Need Water or Mars Needs Women. It reminds me of some futuristic movie with Bruce Dern where it's Mad-max-esqe and we have no water. Perhaps is the vicodin I've been on this past week post surgery. Either way, Groundhog Day 2009 also marks the 44th passing of my father's death via deceleration trauma at Hamilton Air Force Base in 1965 where his "widow maker" F-104 made didn't quite give him the time to announce the third "Eject." Too little too late. Don't wait for your wings to sheer off your jet and go from 600 mph to Zero before you protect your family estate with today's mortgage opportunities. Let's get down to business, with our without the shadow of Phil. Pat Townsley. Live online at

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