Monday, July 03, 2006

Refinancing on the Cash Flow ARM

I've been happily busy with meeting clients at their homes this past week to discuss the various refinancing options available at this time. A lot of the time, I recommend NOT refinancing as their current low, ARM or Fixed rate is better than the alternative of Refinancing. In several cases, Refinancing is a great alternative to improve their overall financial picture. The ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE (aka A.R.M.) can be a nice solution for a client where their debts are out of control and their income is luffing. Call or email me with any questions for your particular situation. Remember, your financial health isn't healthy if you're pumping cash in one side and bleeding it out thru another. Balance is sometimes hard to achieve, and we often put blinders on to where we're losing blood. So, let me help; The doctor is IN., toll free 800-646-5527. Pat Townsley, Financial trauma doctor.

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