Thursday, March 19, 2009

Moving Your Finances from Winter to Spring

Even though the economic seasons and generational seasons don't follow the Earth's four primary seasons during its 365.25 day annual axis cycle (the 0.25 adds up to Leap Year adjustment every four years), we are physically tied to the cycles of the planet; So now we're moving from Winter into Spring. We may associate spring with new life, growth, transitions, time for action, longer days. Business too can walk a fine line between the economic seasons. The US Dollar is in a precarious position and we're balancing on the leading edge. The choices you make now will impact the future financial seasons of abundance or scarcity. Mortgage rates have been going berserk the past few days with banks so backlogged, they're raising rates to slow things down. Add the lack of underwriting staff at banks and the increasing demand for mortgages, and you've got frustration for brokers and borrowers. Moral of the story; Take time to plan properly, set your expectations, be patient, and take time to smell the flowers while your new home loan secures your financial security. Pat Townsley, Mortgage Broker. 415-485-1776.

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