Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thinking About Interest and QuoteActions

I receive a daily "Quote Action" from a great company called Productive Learning ( As I was trying to explain a certain interest rate to a current client and the advantage (in this case) of paying a point to lower the rate and payment, today's Quote Action came in. Beyond your usual "motivation/affirmation" type reminders, QuoteActions not only gives you a decent "quote" but they also take it a step further and recommend that you internalize the message in the quote by taking a specific action to making that quote a part of your day. Today's QuoteAction:

"There are no interest-free shortcuts. If you skip a stage in one way, you pay for it in another." Author, Peter Abrahams

Your action for today is to think about a project where you may be cutting corners, then do a thorough job instead.

--If someone forwarded you this message, and you would like to receive your own free subscription, click here.
--If you wish to have "QuoteActions" sent to your list of contacts, click here.

Remember, on top of getting a refi going, Tax day approaches. Need a referral to a CPA or Bookkeeper? I gott'em: Pat Townsley, 415-485-1776

1 comment:

Rick Itzkowich said...

Glad to see that QuoteActions are having a positive impact on your business. Thank you for sharing this.